Friday, May 18, 2012


Hi everyone!!

It’s been awhile since we posted and we are going to update everyone on how the event went!

First of all, the event exceeded our expectations! Carolyn and I were so worried that something was going to go wrong, that we were going to lose a clue or that the kids simply would not enjoy our scavenger hunt. But everything turned out perfectly!! Here is a recap on what happened:

8:30 AM: Kelly goes over to Carolyn’s house to get all the supplies together and load up the car
9:00 AM: We arrive at the mall and start setting up! We also get the sandwiches from Subway and store those away.
9:30 AM: Carolyn and Kelly load up all the ice breaker bags full of candy and write out the ice breaker questions. Just picture about 10 different bags of candy all splayed out on the counter….heaven! (Kelly totally stole like ½ of it…JK!)
10:00 AM: Our friends/volunteers arrive and help set up the tables all around the mall courtyard. We put up the streamers and blew up the balloons to spruce up the area.
10:30 AM: Carolyn and I lead the volunteers around the mall and show them were they need to be stationed in order to help with the scavenger hunt.
11:00 AM: The kids arrive! (YAY!) Volunteers help check them in.
11:15 AM: Ms. Prince helps lead the first ice breaker where the kids/potential parents go in a big circle and introduce themselves
11:25 AM: Ms. Prince breaks the kids/potential parents into teams. Then, they do the candy ice breaker game.
11:45 AM: The scavenger hunt begins!! This was the part that Carolyn and I were most worried about. Would the clues be too hard? Too easy? Would they finish within 30 minutes? Will it be fun for them? But as the scavenger hunt was going on Carolyn and I were running around and seeing the teams go to the different clues and they looked like they were having a blast! I think one of the highlights for me was seeing the kids try to pick up the M&Ms with chopsticks which was especially hard because they were so slippery. It forced them to work together with the potential parents and it made me happy to see that bond that was starting to form, no matter how small.
12:30 PM: The teams arrive back tired as ever (Pink team was the winner in case you were wondering J It consisted of 3 girls and as Carolyn says, “Nobody knows a mall better than a girl!”). Lunch is served! It consisted of Subway sandwiches, fruit, potato salad, and chips. For dessert we had Crumbs cupcakes and cookies.
1:30 PM: The end of the day! Carolyn, the volunteers, and I helped disassemble and load things in the car.

Cheers to an awesome day!

Kelly and Carolyn